To write clean code:
- Use Meaningful Names: Name variables, functions, and classes clearly and descriptively.
- Keep It Simple: Avoid over-complicated logic and stick to straightforward solutions.
- Follow Coding Standards: Adhere to language-specific best practices and formatting conventions.
- Comment Wisely: Write comments to explain “why,” not “what” — your code should be self-explanatory.
- DRY Principle: Don’t Repeat Yourself — reuse code instead of duplicating it.
- Refactor Regularly: Continuously improve code structure without altering functionality.
- Write Modular Code: Break tasks into small, reusable functions or modules.
- Prioritize readability, maintainability, and testing to ensure long-term success.
english/computers_and_internet/how_to_write_a_clean_code.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/26 11:36 by katy